Sunday, January 11, 2009

Winter Wonderland

Well, I look out my window and it is truly a winter wonderland outside. I don't know exactly how much snow we have gotten, but it is a really thick covering of white. And we are supposed to have more this week. The kids are really loving it, having a great time sledding on the really cool sled they got for Christmas from Grandma and Grandpa, building a snow fort, eating snow ice cream. For those of you who think the snow ice cream is weird or have never heard of it, it is truly a delicacy. I guess that we Southerners had to come up with something good to do with it on the rare occasion that we were able to experience it. Anyway, we love it. Reminds us of the ice cream at Chick-fil-A. I will try to add some pictures to this later when my sweet hubby can show me how to do it.

Well, we have just had our fourth church service here at home this morning. The kids are starting to really catch on to how this works, not like kids' classes at church. We are learning a lot, even the kids. Benn has done a great job preparing the lessons. We enjoy singing together, but we could really use some instrumental accompaniment. =-) Benn is hoping to learn to play the guitar, so maybe soon.

I plan to update every week or so, just keeping it short. Please keep us in your prayers.

Please pray for Audrey. God sent her to my house this past week. It is really nice for God to send an opportunity like this to my house, as I am a stay-at-home mom and don't get out a lot. She is a Jehovah's Witness around my age living in the next town over and she will be coming to visit me again this week. She agrees with me that the Bible should be the basis of all that we believe, so we will start there and always be looking back at the Word. We are going to be going through a Bible study together. I believe that she is a true seeker, just sadly blind to the truth, so please pray for her eyes to be open to the Truth, Jesus. In praying for her, God has put it on my heart just to form a friendship with her and not worry about arguing the Bible with her. Just present the Bible and let it speak for itself.

Please pray for John. He is the man we are buying our house from. He is not a Christian, but God is working on him. God has given us some opportunities to serve John, and in response, John has blessed us greatly by bringing us some really large trees to cut up for firewood. I had told some of you before that John has survived three crashes in small airplanes. For those who don't know, that is miraculous. The last one was only about 2 or 3 months ago, and he walked away with only a few scratches. Benn has told him why we have come here, but that doesn't seem to have caused him to avoid us. We have been praying for him diligently and God has given us a few opportunities to share God's grace in our lives with him. Several days ago, he had a three hour conversation with my brother-in-law about how God could allow evil in the world if He is truly a loving God. Jason had a great conversation with him about this and about the consequences of our sin as the cause of evil in the world. Anyway, I see this conversation as God drawing John, so please keep him in your prayers.

I hope that you are all doing well and that you are experiencing the love and grace that God offers so freely to us all. Catch you later.

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